How to improve understanding between individuals?

In my teacher studies I came across the „Johari Window“ and just a few weeks ago again. I had already forgotten about it and it was very good to read up on it again. I find it very helpful. The Johari window is a technique created by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in in the United States. …

Are you right-brained or left-brained?

According to a personality test I did not long ago, I am more right-brained than left brained. What does this mean? Right brain: Focus is on images Focus in on perception Focus is on intuition&abstract thinking Tends to be more creative and emotional Likes to see the big picture from start to finish Street smart …

Emotional self-awareness

Photo by Pixabay on “Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize your feelings, differentiate between them, know why you are feeling these feelings, and recognize the impact your feelings have on others around you.” The most important thing what comes first is: emotional self-awareness - that you explore and understand yourself. Only then you …