Your emotions effect others

How does it effect you when others around you are in a bad mood, say bad words or just look bored? I think some people literally “take” the emotions of others on themselves, it effects them a lot how other people behave. Some people seem to not care at all and they live in their …


How are you doing so far with reaching your goals in 2015? Have you gone back to your old habits already? Do you think: “Why should I bother....?” I realized that some people have problems moving forward, because they have bad habits and they don't overcome these habits. If you just live your life like …

Resolutions for 2015? How do you succeed? Why do you fail?

One of my resolutions this year is to read through the Bible in one year. I do this with an APP (BiOY), where Nicky Gumbel (a Vicar from England) puts readings together from the Old and New Testament and then he writes a very good (in my opinion) explanation about these chapters and how we …

What is your plan for 2015? Do you need help for reaching your goals?

I wish you all a happy and very productive new year 2015. I hope your new year started very good – mine did! 1st of January I sat down and wrote down some of my goals for 2015 and what is important for me to remember each day/ each week. So far I have been …

Train your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)

Do you sometimes or often or always avoid difficult people or situations? Why? What could you do different next time in order to grow in Emotional Intelligence? Here is one tip: „Do not avoid difficult people or inevitably tough situations. Make the choice to use your EQ (=Emotional Intelligence Quotient) skills to move forward by …

Our emotions

      „When we negate, deny, or disown our emotions we might find ourselves blowing up or 'going off' on others with little or no provocation. We can only repress our feelings for so long. Eventually, they will demand to be heard. When we pay attention to our emotions and not judge them as …

To understand each other (Part 5)

Paul Tournier writes in his book that in order to achieve understanding we need to accept our natural differences. He says that „instinctively, a very rational man is going to marry a very sentimental woman. Their complementing one another will, at the beginning, elicit an enthusiastic reaction in him. But later on he will want …